Being aware of it helps you do the right things before it becomes a big issue.
Remember each of us have different needs and understand love differently.
I have 3 sons, each of them express love and feel love differently. To Ryan, my youngest boy, love is spending time together, love is telling each other, love is touch. Yet to Lionel, my second boy, love is about spending time together and doing things for each other. He does not verbalise love and does not like touch. So each one of us is different when come to expressing love and feeling love.

Once we are aware of the different languages of love, next is to apply the right type of language of love to help the other person feel loved.
The 5 languages of love are:
Quality Time
Act of service
I find that this rules apply to all kinds of relationship. Open your eyes and feel the needs of people around you. Life would be different if you do that.
Tell me more about your story.
cheers, Paula
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